Has Anyone Bred Plecos?

Well I haven't but I know that its impossible to breed common plecos because they breed (I believe) in the wild or in deep ponds that has alot of mud in it or something like that.
it isnt impossible one of my friends did it...and i also saw an article of someone that accomplished it once with quite a bit of fry...i will look for the article and get a pic from my friend
"Common Plecos" are actually at least two different species, one using the "mud" method (Hypostomus punctatus) and the other using large commercial ponds (Pterygoplichthys pardalis) and I know there are other "commons" which aren't either of these species. With both species, and most of the others, you have sexing and aggression problems making it even more difficult.

So you run into the problem of first correctly identifying the species, then getting their appropriate spawning requirements then getting them to stop fighting long enough to actually mate.
theres a theory that i have read to...obviosuly, the darker the pleco the more mud was in its native envornment to blend in...i dont know how true this is...maybe i even dreamed the article up but it makes sense...lol yeah i do look at a lot of articles..i have an entire binder on all the fish i own...my friend (Jake) said that they fought viciously at first...he had 4 of them in a 30 and he got lucky with a breeding pair...they layed the eggs in a cave like structure
As far as i know the most commonly tank bred plecs are bristlenoses, there are quite a few people on this forum that have bred them but i can't remember exactly who :| .
Anyhoo, its pretty imposible/difficult to breed common/sailfin plecs in fish tanks, and to be honest i really couldn't see why you'd want to as there are so many about and they grow so large, but there alot of small/unusual plec species out there where all you need is some RO water, a properly set up tank devoted to your plec of choice, a steady good diet and some where for them to spawn in like a pipe or what ever :) .
My bristlenose's bred once....I only know this because we saw a tiny plec on the front of the glass.....it was about 6mm in size and we only ever saw one, that was months ago.

There is alot of hiding places and loads of wood in their tank so he might still be in there (perhaps with others) but not sure if my clown loach would eat them.
That little fry on the glass was just like mine I saw.....the long finned BN are great, Ive never seen them before.


Nice little guys. :D Voila usually is a magic expression, like making them appear out of nowhere or something.
Nice little guys. :D Voila usually is a magic expression, like making them appear out of nowhere or something.
Not quite...

Voila is French for "There (it) is".

Also used is voici: "Here it is".

Viola is a musical instrument of the string family that is slighlty larger than the violin.

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