Has Anyone Any Knowledge Of Scapes With No Plants?


Fish Herder
Feb 10, 2011
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Has anyone got any links to any site where theres pics of scapes with no plants, only wood?

I dont mean malawi setups with rock, i just mean bogwood, blackwater type setups, no plants, maybe just a bit of moss. If anyone has any idea!
Hey, this is something I'd like to do too!
I quite often just go to google images and search for "blackwater biotope" then I drool... ;)
Look through the old world cichlids journals on here for some nice rock ones. You might find the odd bogwood only ones in New World cichlids as well.
some of my faves

some of my faves

Had a look at the george farmer ones, im not that keen on them, they look too mishmash for my liking.

However i really like the discus setup, so i think ill be going for something like that.

I want to set up a blackwater biotope with little to no plants, centred around cories so would want to create a network of routes and things which i think that second video sort of does.

Gonna research it, going to be a while yet, got lots of things coming up!
These tanks look fab.My only concern are requirements for the fish. My fish knowledge is low. There is no place for the fish to hide. Are the fish picked to accommodate the environment or to look good. Sometimes wonder is it form over function.
Most of the fish are of this biotope (region of the world) and so this is more natural to them than a tank with lots of plants or ornaments.
hanny93 said:
Most of the fish are of this biotope (region of the world) and so this is more natural to them than a tank with lots of plants or ornaments.

That's good.
These pics make it look awful, but I promise you, when the tank is a bit tidier (ie they haven't moved around the air tubing), this is a very atmospheric tank that looks great. Especially at night.

Only wood has been used. No plants, no substrate. Suits my fish perfectly.

wow that looks great! what fish do you have? how big is the tank?

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