Has Anybody Done This Before I Try?


New Member
Jul 25, 2006
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Topic says it all really.

I'm toying with the idea of installing my fluval 3+ upside down and with the maximum flow restriction in my 100l tank to create water flow around the roots has anybody tried this with any success at all?...

By the way I've already got an fluval 204 running on this tank too.
Cant say I have, why do you need to do that?

It's a case of aesthetics really, the filter runs through a spray bar along the length of the tank and blows the tops of the plants around a little too much for my liking.

I'm slightly concerned about the mechanics of running a filter upside down, i'll just have to give it a go and see!
Did you buy the Fuval 1/2/3/4 spray bar?

If so you got 15 inches of tube to connect it to the outlet, why not use it in an S shape and fit the spray bar at the bottom.

Have to agree with the others though, I have a Fluval 3 Plus with spray bar 2" from the surface, and it blows the tall plants, but so would a river current blow the tall plants. the waters surface always moves faster than the lower, so the tall plants always get it in the neck (so to speak)

My Cypyus Helferi was blowing about all over the place, and looked great, just a pity that it came folded in half, as it started to die from the tips down to where it had been folded. The Giant Hygro blows about nicely but never uproots. Looks nice to see the leaves moving.

I'd leave the spray bar where it is

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