Hi Anna, my ham Ginger is the most nervous ham I've had for the past 3 years. I guess this nervousness relates to the early handling in the pet shop. The ppl in the petshop don't care much on waking them when they r fast asleep, n with rough handling. So how can these little creatures develop a sense of secureness in this surrounding? There's no use for complaining (I've talked to the manager a few times, once on the danger of wire wheel, another the danger of fluffy bedding, n on living condition of the hams, once on ick outbreak of the clown loach tank. The manager listened, but everything's just the same as b4, no improvementS. That's the big chain pet store so that's the reason y) I've made the same complaint to the danger of wire wheel to another smaller pet shop n they r happy to remove the wheels n i've not seen them selling those no more!
Anyway, Ginger's one of the 2 left in the cage, with a nearly full grown size. I've given him 2 weeks to settle in before handling him n i've been sooo gentle n slow with him, whispering to him, doing everything in slow motion to gain his trust.
It's been 8 months since he came home n he'll a jumpy little guy. He's not afraid of my hand n stuff, but he'll jump to any noise or sudden movement given that he's in a very familiar surrounding with familiar smell (I rubbed my hand with his bedding b4 handling him). My past hamsters were nothing like this, they were sooo tame. So I guess it's the staff at the pet shop that shaped his nervous personality.
I don't clean out his bedding often. He likes to hoard his food, sleep, pee n poop in the "sky restaurant" (that's like the lookout tower) so everyday I've to wipe away the pee without taking out the toilet tissue after he's awake away from the bedroom. I'll clean out his bedroom once like every 10 days when the salt crust deposited on the "sky restaurant" real bad. As for the bedding in his cage, well he has 2 cages n I usually take out the bedding there once every month per cage, like I'll clean out the 1st cage on the start of the month, n clean out the 2nd cage on the 15th of the month. N I've left old bedding too. So that way, I can minimize the stress of losing his smell. The temper tandrum happened during the 1st 2 months he came home. I know it's bcoz he panicked, but that's just a funny way to say it
Sometimes even during the normal days when i've not touched his beddings, he'll sometimes get spooked from the way he pushed all the bedding on the cage to the entrance to his bedroom. Now, usually he's awake from 2am to 10am. So his surrounding is quiet n I can't think of anything that makes him nervous. N yet the next day the bedding has become a little heap! To this day I still havn't figured out y. On a less scientific explanation (coz I believe in spirits n stuff) I guess he's truely spooked. I've had experiences of ancestors communicating with me via dreams. N another experience of my hams seeing them. It was 2 years ago when I was keeping russian dwaf hams. I let them out at 4am (yes I stayed up late). Suddenly they both froze n looked behind me, didn't respond no matter how I touched them. I knew there's an old lady in the apartment coz my hubby sensed her, n with the help of a medium who's v. reliable (she could tell how the building looks like, how the apartment looks like with just an address we gave her the first time when meeting her). Then I know my ancestors would come n visit us now n then, n one night Ginger froze n looked behind me again, this time it's like he looked at something moving behind me, with his head following the object that's behind me (if u understand what i mean).
I know it's hard to believe, but I believe it's true, for I'm a buddhist.
Sorry for such a long post, but it's always good to share stories with hamster lovers!