Has Any One Ever Done A Planted Tank?


Sep 15, 2007
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Waukesha WI
I mean the kind with macro algae. I've seen a larger one in a magazine and it looked really interesting. Wonder if anyone has done it on a smaller scale. The only issues I'm seeing are finding a small enough powerhead to do it and a why to illuminate it without over heating.
Working on one... Seahorse tank, link to journal in my sig.
Was planning on doing all macro/seagrasses. I'm using LED lighting, I should have the specifics in my journal.
Project got put on hold a bit recently because of end of school for me (finals etc.), but it will be up and going again soon. I have no powerheads, will only have a HOB filter for flow.
Working on one... Seahorse tank, link to journal in my sig.
Was planning on doing all macro/seagrasses. I'm using LED lighting, I should have the specifics in my journal.
Project got put on hold a bit recently because of end of school for me (finals etc.), but it will be up and going again soon. I have no powerheads, will only have a HOB filter for flow.

A seahorse tank? Whats the fun in that?

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