Has any fish ever recovered from this?


Fish Herder
Jun 9, 2002
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Hi. I see a Blue Variatus with a condition that I've only ever seen end in death :sad:

Couple of days ago, it was floating at the top, not really moving much, just hanging out. Distinctly sad look.

Today, it is resting on the bottom. Same look.

The day before all this, she was mostly hiding under the driftwood.

No signs of anything wrong -- no discoloration, no injuries, nothing. At one point I thought an aggressive fish in the tank was freaking her out and that she might be getting ick. But that was my imagination. She has absolutely no parasites or anything visible wrong with her.

Water conditions are all perfectly ideal, water changes every week. All other fish in the tank, while active and sometimes aggressive, are healthy, eating, pooping, and seemingly happy.

Plenty of hiding spaces, growing plants, really all is honky dorey since I set this tank up.

I've had her since March. I'm pretty sure she was fairly young when I got her ... maybe 4 months, so that would make her around a year old now. For some reason, none of my platies/variatus have ever had babies (always keep 4 females and 2 males). Astute readers will recall she has recovered from other ailments, including a foreign object that had been lodged in her tail for 2 months.

I was hoping she'd stick around for a while. These blue variatus I have (well had, the male died a month ago in the too small, too crowded old home) are stunning ... brilliant blue bodies with radiant, yellow-orange fins. Absolutely gorgeous and the lfs ran out and I haven't seen them anywhere else. I'd get rid of all the other platies and just have a group of these if I could.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has seen a fish recover from this and if there is anything they did to help that happen.

Thanks all!
I've had this only once although if it is what I think I expect to have more. How old are your fish? Guppies usually live up to just 18months and for platies its about the same I think, it could perhaps just be old age.

When you say you've seen this before has it happened often?

"For some reason, none of my platies/variatus have ever had babies (always keep 4 females and 2 males)."

Your platies should definately have had babies, check the filter is not too stong as that ends many a young fishes life :-( Also have a good hunt around in the plants one day- assuming you don't mind upsetting them a bit, everytime I rearrange something I always see babies skuttling about the place :thumbs:
Oh, I'm sure no babies. Platies get fat, and I check the females regularly. I, too, find it odd.

Filter too strong? You mean current? I have an Eclipse filter hood. The criticism I've heard is some find them too weak! :lol: :lol:

What would be an indicator of overly strong filter (other than non-breeding platies?)

I've seen it with one or two other platies. I guess old age, even though I'd only had them a few months when they kicked. Others here said that was likely it and I was shocked. That's why I began buying little platies ... so I could have them longer.

Anyway, there are definitely no kids...

I figured once I moved to the bigger tank they'd be happier and more amorous, but they seem all to be celibate. :look: :look:
No I mean the babies get sucked into the filter, they'll get blown a bit by the current sure, but I found with my fluval quite a few literally got sucked in :(

You do know how to tell the sex and what gender fish u actually have in the tank??
Yep, I can tell the pretty, emotional ones from the ugly, insensitive ones! :blink: :blink:

I got me 4 sweeties and 2 punks.
Hey! I think she was just constipated! For like 3 days :eek: :eek:

Anyway, she's swimming like Mark Spitz now :thumbs: and is pooping like mad! Practically covering the whole tank :S :S :grr:

At least she's happy.

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