This afternoon I've harvested some fry of the millions dusky fish (Phalloceros caudimaculatus reticulatus) from one of my outdoor tanks. Thought I had them all yesterday afternoon but as it seems, there were more. The past days I've been harvesting also other livebearers from the backyard and the balcony. Now it's getting colder with the fall season. The fry of today were still being very vividly swimming outdoorss at a water temperature of 12°C at day. Certain swordtails are alsos till swimming outside for they're too vivid at the moment. They tend to have the same resistance as most of their wild relatives.
Below: And to those who don't know these livebearers, this is how an adult version looks like.
Below: And to those who don't know these livebearers, this is how an adult version looks like.