J JArtiles305 Fish Fanatic Joined Feb 17, 2006 Messages 117 Reaction score 0 Location Miami, FL Apr 30, 2006 #1 Can you mix a school of 5 Harlequins and a Betta in a 10 gallon? Or will they nip at the Betta? Curious...
Can you mix a school of 5 Harlequins and a Betta in a 10 gallon? Or will they nip at the Betta? Curious...
S soritan Fish Herder Joined Feb 17, 2005 Messages 1,229 Reaction score 0 Apr 30, 2006 #2 The rasboras don't nip, they're quite docile. My bettas are fine with rasboras, but I'd keep an eye on the betta for manners, he might not like having roommates.
The rasboras don't nip, they're quite docile. My bettas are fine with rasboras, but I'd keep an eye on the betta for manners, he might not like having roommates.
OP OP J JArtiles305 Fish Fanatic Joined Feb 17, 2006 Messages 117 Reaction score 0 Location Miami, FL Apr 30, 2006 #3 Not really looking to add a Beta as I plan to add cherry shrimp. More curious than anything. Thanks.