Harlequin Rasboras


Fish Fanatic
Jul 29, 2006
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Could I keep a small school of harlequins in a 29 gallon tank w/ 10 pearl danios and 6 albino cory cats? My tap pH is 7.5, and the water is moderately hard.
i think ideally they would prefer their water softer but i don't think it is critical. they should be alright
soft and acidic water... they may live shorter lifes in harder, more alkiline waters...
You should be fine with a shaol of 6.

As said they do prefer softer waters but can still do well in harder waters. Personally i think if your PH is satble you shouldn't have a problem.
Right now I'm fishless cycling and the ph is 6.6
That shoud be perfectly fine with the harlequins :good: Really nice as a shaol
I've got 7 Harlequins in my community tank and the PH is about 7.2. They are all doing fine. ;)

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