Harlequin Rasboras In 10g


Fish Addict
Mar 19, 2006
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im stocking a 10g, has been posted in other threads..but i was hoping to keep cardinals, but there quite sensitive and not good 4 a beginner...right? lol i didnt actually know that these fish existed....harlequin rasboras!! when i saw them i thought they were cool, then iv read in a pinned thread that there good 4 10g!!!! well all my christmas's have come at once!! :D :p :fun: :lol: hahah lol....anybody keep them, any advice on ph, stuff like that?

- o yea...dont know wether there actually a charachin or cyprinind!
one thing...which one wud ne of u reccommend as a good showling starter fish?
I think the tank in your sig only holds about eight gallons but it is suitable for a group of five harlequins (cyprinids, rasboras) once cycled. I wouldn't have the cardinals in this tank but might try neons as an alternative to harlies.
You would have to wait some months before adding three pygmy cories and it is too small for a Ram.
You may want some shrimps or a nerite snail for algea control.
what shrimp wud u reccommend, are they aggressive?? its says on the box its 10 uk gallons, and its quite big for a 10gallon, and is set back deep, look: http://www.seapets.co.uk/product-details/s...tegory/844.html
dimensions: Dimensions - 44cm x 30cm x 51cm :D
iv heard of amano shrimps, there fun to watch, how many shud i keep? which type? :S :S :S
A school of 5 harlequins and probably no other fish would be alright, although I don't know if they would be that happy, because i had some in a temporary home (10 gallon) and they were much more happy when i moved them to my 29 gallon planted.
Ive had the same three harlequins in my 10 gal with some neons among a few other fish for the last 2+ years and they've been perfectly happy and healthy schooling together and with the neons! I don't see how they'd be a problem!

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