Harlequin Rasboras And Rtbs


Jun 14, 2004
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I plan on getting 10 Harlequin Rasboras for my 33 gallon US. Would there be any problems if I get a single RTBS with them?

I've read that RTBS's are agressive towards similiarly shaped/sized fish, but I'm seriously concerned it'll show agression towards the rasboras...

If I can't get a RTBS, what larger (4" above) fish would you recommend for the tank? Only inhabitants in it now are a juvie BN pleco and a colony of MTS.

RTBS are generally aggressive to their own kind most, to similarly shaped or marked fish second, and everthing else last.

How much they react is largely down to the size of the tank, the availibility of territory and the temprement of the individual fish. In a small cramped tank, the aggression is heightened. Large tanks with "natural" divisions in them reduce aggression, (territorial boundaries - the "everything this side of these rocks is mine" syndrome). Some individuals are very tolerant, and never bother anything, others are right little sods.

Assuming your tank is large enough, and you are not unlucky enough to get a bad boy, I think Harlequins are sufficiently different from a RTBS for them not to be considered rivals. Of course, as the shark gets larger, it's territorial demands increase, and it may get more tetchy with age - happens to the best of us.
Hmm. I would think twice- 33gallon is smallish for even a semi-aggressive rtbs.
A harem(1 male+2-3 females) of honey or dwarf gouramis would work nice if the tank is planted.
Or a group of female bettas, 3-4.
Thanks for the replies!

Instead of rasboras, do you think I can keep a similarly sized school of tiger barbs instead?
A group of 10 tiger barbs should be fine with the RTBS. I have done this and didn't encounter problems. However, don't attempt to keep a group of less than 7. If you do, the tigers are likely to nip. If they nip the RTBS, he'll turn round and nip back and you'll have problems. Having said this, it would be less of a risk to keep the barbs than the rasboras as they grow larger and are generaly a little more feisty. They should be able to deal with any aggression from the shark. Just be careful what else you put in the tank as it has to be something that won't get nipped (mind you, the tank's going to be pretty close to fully stocked, if not fully stocked, once the barbs and RTBS are in there).

If you want something more peaceful than the RTBS, rainbow sharks are - but they also grow ever so slightly larger. I personaly would go for a flying fox. They can be beautiful fish once colored up and mature. Even the name - e. kalopterus - reflects their beuty (meaning beautiful fins).
Thanks for the replies!

Instead of rasboras, do you think I can keep a similarly sized school of tiger barbs instead?

i actually have a group of 10 tiger barbs and an RTBS. the RTBS has only been there for a week or so, but ive had no problems so far, all the nipping and chasing has been barb on barb. and the barbs are pretty much the same size as the shark right now too, so i dont think its just a size issue. who knows what might happen as the RTBS gets older though, ive read lots of stuff saying they're more prone to be jerks once they're more mature.

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