Harlequin rasbora


Fish Herder
Jul 1, 2004
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Today I noticed one of my harlequin females actually upside down under a leaf of a plant it looked as if she was trying to attach something to the leaf. I have no idea how cyprinids lay their eggs but maybe this is what she was doing? Anyways it was very strange behaviour.

She's not ill or anything and as soon as she was done doing whatever she was doing she turned upright and swam with the others.

I'm very interested as to what she was doing. Anyone know? :dunno:
yes the harliquins are laying eggs.
they are one of the few cyprinid species to do it upsidedown.
good luck with them :thumbs:
Oh wow I am really excited now :hyper: So what happens next? What are the chances of them hatching (is that the right word? :*) )and surviving??
Males do a trembling display dance in the morning. They may also try to direct the females toward the leaves. Once she is ready, she will turn upside down and rub her ventral surface against the underside of the leaves. The male continues the dance, wraps himself around her and fertilizes the eggs, which float to the undersides of the leaves. 100+ eggs may be laid over the course of a couple of hours.

Breeders should then be removed from the tank, as they are obligate consumers of fry and their eggs.

The eggs will hatch within 24 hours. The fry will eat infusoria or newly hatched brine shrimp, but may do well on fry food formulated for egg layers.

Ah so that's what they were up to this morning! I actually posted a Q about it in the beginner section but this pretty much answers it. I didn't see the female trying to lay anything though, just the display activity. I shall keep a watch on them in the future for it. Obviously, it being the middle of the day they aren't displaying now. Wish the ich would clear up tho. :grr:
The fry of Harlequins are quite small and become free swimming after 4-5 days when they will need feeding. I always used infusoria, but I expect Liquifry or similar will be fine.

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