Harlequin Rasbora


Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2006
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The pictures I've seen of Harlequins make them appear a pale red hue. Does their color brighten or deepen as they mature. I have a black background and would like a brightly colored school of fish.

Also, will they do OK in hard water with High PH ( 7.8 )?
My Halequins do have a slight red hue, but I wouldn't call it intense or close to it.

I can tell you they do well in hard water/high pH. My water come out of the tap at 8.0-8.5, and the Rasboras appear to be thriving. If you like Rasboras and want more color, the Hengel(sp?) Rasbora has a lovely shade of red.
I really want my Rasbora to stay in a school. In a 29 gallon tank, what stocking scheme would offer encough action to keep them schooled without stressing them to the max...

(1) More is Better - 9 Rasbora + 3 Platy
(2) Add an Rowdy School - 6 Rasbora + 6 Silver Tip Tetra or 6 Golden Danio + 3 Platy
I'd go for option 2.

Although in a 30g you could get away with 7 of each and 3 platys or 8 rasboras, 6 silver tips and 3 platys.
IME the more of s shoaling fish you have the more they will shoal. EX. i had 7 black neons, they did not schoal. I added 5 more black neons and they shoal and are quite active in swimming all over the tank in a shoal where as before they did nothing and where loners.

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