Harlequin Rasbora Question?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 17, 2006
Reaction score
Miami, FL
I have 5 Harlequins in a 10 gallon, moderately planted along with three cories.

These guys don't school and there is one Harlequin the biggest one that bullies the others around. One Harlequin stays under the filter, the other in the left front corner, and there are two other that stick to swimming on the right side. The "boss" sticks to swimming into the current of the filter. If one of them leaves there spot he is quick to chase them away.

Is this normal behavior?
I have 5 Harlequins in a 10 gallon, moderately planted along with three cories.

These guys don't school and there is one Harlequin the biggest one that bullies the others around. One Harlequin stays under the filter, the other in the left front corner, and there are two other that stick to swimming on the right side. The "boss" sticks to swimming into the current of the filter. If one of them leaves there spot he is quick to chase them away.

Is this normal behavior?
this is weird.... my rainbowfish chases my harlequins and they all have their "spots" in he tank....
I have 5 Harlequins in a 10 gallon, moderately planted along with three cories.

These guys don't school and there is one Harlequin the biggest one that bullies the others around. One Harlequin stays under the filter, the other in the left front corner, and there are two other that stick to swimming on the right side. The "boss" sticks to swimming into the current of the filter. If one of them leaves there spot he is quick to chase them away.

Is this normal behavior?
Thought Id reply as I have the same size tank with exactly the same fish in it. One of my harlequins died unexpectantly 2 weeks ago thou so I only have 4 which I know is not ideal. Mine behaved a bit like urs. One of my smallest ones kept being chased away from the group by the biggest and stayed on its own a lot of the time. It eventually turned up dead one morning with no apparant symptoms and perfect water perameters so Im still clueless about what happened to it. My guess is that the school wasnt really big enough. From what ive read they do best in a long tank with 8+ members. Bullying will then be more spread out although theyre not well known for it like barbs etc. are.

Advice wise its difficult to give any.

Maybe change your tank layout around to help re-establish territories.
If it gets too bad, return the bully to the store or maybe separate it from the group for a day or so to another tank if you have one to see how the others react
I have a school of 9. The only time I witness any bullying is when I stick a tubifex worm cube to the glass. They will fight over the worms when they fall from the cube. The larger the school the better. You might want to try adding a few more. This should even things out.

Hey, do you have any females? I"m having a hell of a time finding female. I want to breed them but to no avail.
Hey, do you have any females? I"m having a hell of a time finding female. I want to breed them but to no avail.

I do have a female. I'm thinking I only have one. In the morning she likes to get under the leaves upside down and shake hoping to attract someone over. The guys though are duds they end up just chasing each other around. I haven't been able to notice if there are more than one female.
Are there more than one species sold as "Harlequins" ? I had these 30 years ago... textbook size and marking, but since coming back into the hobby - the LFS has some that are more neon, the red stripe looks like its been teleported from a "Glowlight Tetra" !
Are there more than one species sold as "Harlequins" ? I had these 30 years ago... textbook size and marking, but since coming back into the hobby - the LFS has some that are more neon, the red stripe looks like its been teleported from a "Glowlight Tetra" !

I saw some trigonostigma hengeli(?) sold as 'slender harlequins' yesterday. They are much more intense in colour, and have a longer, but less high wedge. Very attractive little fish.

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