Harlequin Rasbora Diet


New Member
Jun 22, 2006
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New York, NY
Hi, I have 12 Young Harlequin Rasboras in my 20 gallon tank, I was wondering what brands of food your Harlequin Rasbora's crave for...I've been feeding the Tetra Min's Tropical Flakes but they don't seem to be much interested in it, I've tried frozen blood worms too...it just sinks to the bottom, showing not much interest either...all they do is school back and forth pass by the food as it slowly sinks (they seem to be more interested in following the school)...

My tank is an estabished & cycled tank, and I change 20-25% water twice a week...

Any clues :/
I had the intial 6 for about a week, and just added the other 6 like yesterday...

...the intial 6 had no problems, they were ok with the flakes, but when I added the next batch, they all seem to school and past up the food...I hope your right about adjusting :blink:
i feed mine nutrafin flake and they take it when they can be bothered. some watch it fall to the bottom others take a nibble and run of back to there shoal they must eb eating when im not looking because ive had them for 6 months and they have been fine.
My Harlequin Rasboras eat every and anything. I feed them Ocean Nutrition flake food, frozen blood worms, tubifex worms, and they will also go to the bottom and nibble on the sinking wafers. I feed them the blood worms and tubifex every once and a while. So far, no problems getting them to eat and Ive had them for about 8 months now. They always have a full looking belly after eating.
Yep my Harlequins eat anything and everything too,i have 7(was 8,but 1 died a while back) prob near 2 years old now and there huge,so obviously there eating just fine,TBH i have noticed that they dont go for my algae wafers though like the other fish do.... -_-
Yep my Harlequins eat anything and everything too,i have 7(was 8,but 1 died a while back) prob near 2 years old now and there huge,so obviously there eating just fine,TBH i have noticed that they dont go for my algae wafers though like the other fish do.... -_-

Yeah, mine dont do that often, but Ive seen them try before. I dont think they liked it too much. The Dojo loaches usually run them off :D
Sorry for the late reply, yea it seems Fishwatcher was right, it needed some time for them to adjust, evenutally they began trying the flakes but spit it back out, but after a few more days they began chowing down, they ate the flakes & freeze-dried bloodworms. It seems they only eat whatever is floating or sinking...things that actually touch the bottom they don't touch, like my frozen bloodworms or anything that hits the bottom. :blink:

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