Harlequin Rasbora Breeding?


New Member
Jul 28, 2010
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Hi Fishies

Ive got 4 Harlequin Rasboras in a 20L tank with afew snails. Theyve been in there about a month now and have settled in quite happily. Recently one of the other fish has been receiving alot of attendion off the other 3. They like to swim right next to it (pararell) wildly faning thier fins un unison.
Just this morning they were chasing this one about and she started swimming belly up under certain leaves of a plant in my tank. anyone know anything about this or the breeding of this species?

Also ive seen some very small white balls which look like tiny eggs. Very small. they look like sesame seeds on some of the leaves but ive heard these might be snail eggs.

Anyone know how to sex fish lol?

Any help would be great :)

- Graham
To do with the sexing of the harlequins: I have a feeling that it's the females with a straight lined black triangle on there side, and the males have a slight flick at the corner of one of their triangles. It could be the other way around though (but that is the distinguishing difference). Someone correct me if I'm wrong!
I think they are Harlequin eggs , however can I recommend you upgrade your tank, 20 litres isnt suitable for any fish except nano fish. Harlequins are way too active for a 20 litre
I think they are Harlequin eggs , however can I recommend you upgrade your tank, 20 litres isnt suitable for any fish except nano fish. Harlequins are way too active for a 20 litre

i know :(

im new to this and the tank was given to me. They seem happy enough feeding well and darting around. I test the water everyday and do a 30% water change every sunday :). feed them bloodworms too. gonna invest in a larger tank whn i can afford it :)
What do i do if they are eggs and they hatch? i dont have another tank and cant seperate them. will the other eat them?
shame. ok now worries guys. not alot i can do really :(
Buy a breeder net that sits on the edge of the tank, protecting the fry. If you can rescue the eggs and are able to spot them, move them over, using a siphon tube or similar.
Buy a breeder net that sits on the edge of the tank, protecting the fry. If you can rescue the eggs and are able to spot them, move them over, using a siphon tube or similar.

I think the fry will be too small for a breeding net, but if you want to give it a shot then go ahead. It only costs a couple of quid for a breeding net
I think they are, though Harlequins tend to lay their eggs underneath the leaves , not on the stems, best think to do is either remove the Harlequins or the eggs. I think using a pipette to remove the eggs is the best thing to use.

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