Hardy Plantsz!

Fish are AWE

Fish Fanatic
Oct 12, 2011
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Hello, im planning to put plants into my tropical fish tank and I want a hardy plant that will tolerate low lighting and still grow? Any help will be appreciated.
you need to be looking at Anubias, Java ferns, java moss, some Sword species and Vallis. Most LFS will sell these plants. :good:
Don't forget Cryptocoryne. You will initially get some melt as they adjust to your water conditions, but once they have adjusted they will be great! :D
I've heard that anubias might not survive with plecos and i have BN plecos.I love the anubias but will they al
so survive with goldfish?
My bristlenoses have never touched my anubias, and I have about 5 hungry juvenilles. Anubias is thick and leathery, so should withstand fish.

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