Hardy fish for a 10G

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Fish Fanatic
Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY, USA
Hey, I'm helping my friend and his roommates set up a 10G for their off campus apartment.

I was thinking Zebra or Peal Danios, Cardinal Tetras, or Swordtails. Anything else that is relatively hardy but can be kept in a 10G?
due to their level of activness and the number of group you need to keep them safely.

The only danios that could be happily kept in 10G are D.erythromicron; however they are an extreamly sensative fish and need a mature tank.

cardinal tetras and swordtails both get too big for that tank.
IMHO, The only option in this case is a betta.
I agree with Wolf :nod:
And maybe some pygmy cories, although i don't know how hardy they are
How about some cory cat they looks funny :) and they seems to be very hardy too.
OK I'm gonna get flamed for this but here goes. I did have a 10gal community sitting next to my comp (with love and attention & a spare tank it's grown to a 14 gal) When I had fully setup it was a nice little community, somthings changed occasionally due to breeding or musical tanks but here's an example of what I may of had at any one time

1male or female betta
6 or so tetra's (neons, black neons, glowlight) or white cloud's
3 guppies 1m/2f OR 2 Rams OR 3 Juvie Apisto
1 Bristlenose

Ok I know this goes over the 1" per gallon guide, but thats what it is a guide and with the guppies and tetra's thats not really a very effective theory, please note this is only a suggestion. My tank was WELL filtered, WELL planted and lots of caves

you can get away with some fish if well filtered.
it isnt advisable though.
i would either
get a male betta and some pigmy cories(if you can find them)and mabe a snail or some shrimp.
make a female betta community

you might be able to have a trio of guppies in there.Provided your well filtered.but you have to be prepared for fry!
or mabe a pair of dwarf platies
have you thought of mollies they are beautiful and came in many different colos they r oretty hard too :cool:
How about a betta splendens, 2 platies, and 2 african dwarf frogs? :)

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