Hardy Corys


resistance is futile......
Apr 5, 2006
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I've heard that panda corys especially have to go into a tank that has been established for at least 6 months. I've also heard that the bronze cory should be ok in a somewhat unestablished tank that has been cycling for a couple of weeks, any opinions on this? Are there any more corys that wil be fine going straight into a cycled tank? thankyou :D :fish:
ok, thanks for the info. However peppered corys are going to be too big for my tank, because the one i am probably getting is 60x30x30cm.
Are there any "regular" (ie 2") or "dwarf" (ie 1") corys that would be just as hardy?
no, i havent got the tank yet, plus I would add the corys after the fishless cycle, but i have heard that some corys arent so hardy so is recommended that they are put in a well established tank, where fish have been for a few months.
you sure did! i really like them but the dont seem to be in my lfs, are they rare or quite common? Do you think the lfs could order them in? Thanks for the info :)
Schwartz's are a quite common Cory, I can't seem to find them around here but I'll keep looking. If your LFS can order you fish, Go for it!

I have heard that the Dwarf Corydoras are pretty hardy-I cant confirm that though.
Peppered corys grow to about the same size as bronzes (females max out at about 3 inches). I've got peppereds in my 60x30 cm tank, put them in straight after the fishless cycle and they were fine.
oh ok, thanks for the advice, what other fish are in your 60x30 if you dont mind me asking? :)
nannananna, peppered corys can grow up to 4inch! normal corys grow about 2inch and dwarfs about 1inch, im glad i helped u! im a begginer to, aint even got ma tank yet! just researching every single day!
schwartz are quite common depending on ur area, my lfs sells them by the dozen really pretty and hardy...im getting 3 with my tank!
omg same here, i dont have a tank yet but i do tons of research cos im really excited about them. Popular corys in my area are albino bronze and regular bronze, and peppered. Also my fav lfs has some cory rabautis, anyone have any of them with some details?
oh ok, thanks for the advice, what other fish are in your 60x30 if you dont mind me asking? :)

4 male platies and a guppy (he is the sole survivor of his batch and has been brought up with the platies so he thinks it's one of them). They all seem to get on happily together.
cool. Thanks for all the advice everyone! :)

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