Hardiest Tetra


Fish Fanatic
Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland
hi, i've had my tank for a few months and its pretty mature but i still would like to have hardy fish linving in it so that there is less chance they'll die on me.

i've got 2 rams, 6 neons and an andelfish in at the moment and want to add another fish/colour to the tank.

i was thinking about having another small school of tetras. I really like the neons cause they schoal and are easy to spot. Are there any tetras that don't get too big, are colourful and pretty hardy?

The anglefish is pretty small at the moment so them being eaten won't be a problem
Cardinals........ like neons but nicer!

or gold tetra but they are quite hard to get hold of it seems, perhaps rummy noses?
Glowlight is smaller tetra which hardier than Neons. I keep them both in same tank and they do sometime school together.
I don't know what is your tank size but hope have enough room for the all the fish you have(would have). Also, Angel could eat Neons if they get big enough and Neons can fit in their month. So I hope you can seperate them in the near future.
glowlights are an excellent recommendation - exactly what i'm looking for.

i'm going to phone around the lfs and see who has them in stock! :D
the hardiest tetra (imho) is the penguin tetra...they grow relatively large so its unlikely that the other fish in your aquarium will have a go at them!

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