I have found that several of the tetras of the Hyphessobrycon Genus do well over a wider range of waters than a typical tetra would. Lemon tetra, phantoms, rosy tetras, black neons, bleeding hearts (as bloo mentioned), etc. X-Ray tetras (a.k.a. pristellas) also take very well to hard water. Though, of course, each species has its own specific requirements.
True rummy noses have a bit of a reputation for being picky, but the 2 (or is it 3 now?) species that are colloquially known as as false-rummy noses are usually pretty tolerant. And, false rummy noses are more common and therefore much cheaper.
Ultimately, research as much as possible before purchasing, and hopefully your LFS has similar water to your own. Ask the employee how long the fish have been there and how they have been doing before purchase. If they have been good (very low deaths) in the LFS's hard water for several days, then they will probably take to your water, too.