Hard Water!


Sep 5, 2005
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Southampton UK
I will be restocking my 30 Gallon tank soon , i have hard water , and thought i would match the fish to the water.
I know Rainbow fish are OK in this type of water , any other suggestions for fish under 3 inches please! .And some good scholers please.
I've kept Rummy noses and Bleeding hearts with great success for many years (growing to mature size and were vibrantly coloured). Despite the fact that they are stated to prefer slightly more neutral / acidic water what a lower hardness (than is here in London).
I have found that several of the tetras of the Hyphessobrycon Genus do well over a wider range of waters than a typical tetra would. Lemon tetra, phantoms, rosy tetras, black neons, bleeding hearts (as bloo mentioned), etc. X-Ray tetras (a.k.a. pristellas) also take very well to hard water. Though, of course, each species has its own specific requirements.

True rummy noses have a bit of a reputation for being picky, but the 2 (or is it 3 now?) species that are colloquially known as as false-rummy noses are usually pretty tolerant. And, false rummy noses are more common and therefore much cheaper.

Ultimately, research as much as possible before purchasing, and hopefully your LFS has similar water to your own. Ask the employee how long the fish have been there and how they have been doing before purchase. If they have been good (very low deaths) in the LFS's hard water for several days, then they will probably take to your water, too.
Thanks Bloo, I like Rummy Noses but don't they need a mature tank. They were on my list Though.

Bignose , thanks i have Black Phantoms in my other tank,and they love it, always displaying and Spawning
The femail Bettas follow them and eat their eggs. :rolleyes:
Most livebearers of course; you could go for something a bit more unusual, like humpbacked limias or something, if you don't fancy the common run of guppies or platies.

I don't believe danios really mind, or the hardier types of corydoras. Or bristlenoses.
Thanks dwarfgourami, I have never kept Guppys , there are some super looking ones at Maidenhead Aquatics. I also like the look of Harlequins.
Nearly at the end of my fish less cycle, so i think i will be off to the shops soon .
Thanks dwarfgourami, I have never kept Guppys , there are some super looking ones at Maidenhead Aquatics. I also like the look of Harlequins.
Nearly at the end of my fish less cycle, so i think i will be off to the shops soon .

Guppies are beautiful and very hardy fish... they are also very easy breeders... they display amazing colors and usually inhabit the upper part of the aquarium... jus for your interest.... they will not have a problem with the hard water, just aslong as you adapt them to it properly.
Thanks pawly,They are worth thinking about, and there are some nice ones at my local Maidenhead fs. I may just buy males, would they get on together with out any girls to keep them happy.

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