hard descission


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
should I euthinise?

Splash has hemmoragic septacemia and today
I have noticed this huge growth in him. :-(

I have been treating for the septacemia but this growth
has appeared overnight. :grr: I am 90% sure euthinasia is the
best way to go. Maybe someone can suggest a cure or maybe I'm just looking for confirmation of my fears. :dunno:

Edit, to add pics

Wolf, How did you diagnose him with blood poisoning, without testing his blood? :dunno:
The lump doesn't look good i admit but don't give up on him just yet.

Could the growth be a reaction to the treatment ? I don't know much about growths and things it just seems very extream to get something that big overnight. If it gets any worse, or doesn't go in a day or so then i would maybe consider it. Just give him a little bit more of a chance you never know !

Let us know how it ends up, or what you decide.
What are you treating the septicemia with as it's a hard to cure, usually it's antibiotics you use, if you can see the fish isn't going to make it, i would say go ahead.
cometcattle said:
Wolf, How did you diagnose him with blood poisoning, without testing his blood? :dunno:
The symptoms are bloody/red streaks in the splashes body
and fins and a steadily increasing lethargy. He is also off food.

Wilder on Nov 30 2004@ 03:46 PM said:
What are you treating the septicemia with

I have been treating with Maracyn-2 and doing 75% waterchanges every 12 hrs of so.

I have just come home and he is just hiding under the sponge filter, If I gently poke him he moves, but not much.
Yes that sounds like septicemia to me, add abit of salt to his tank, if he deteriates anymore I would put him out of his misery, good luck.
Hi Wolf,

I'm sorry Splash is sick. You know Splash better than anyone and unfortunately only you can say when it is the right time to euthanize. I tend euthanize my sick fish earlier rather than later just because I've learned from experience with fish and other animals that the guilt associated with euthanasia is slightly less when you haven't also had to see them suffer. Just understand that guilt will be a normal emotion for you to experience whenever you decide to euthanize. It might help to pick two or three things that Splash enjoys doing, such as eating, swimming around, and interacting with you or the mirror. When he starts to be unable to do these simple Betta pleasures, it becomes time to question his quality of life. Please remember that there is no right or wrong decision. You just have to make a decision with the wealth of you knowledge and good intentions behind it. You cannot go wrong when you have Splash's best interest at heart- which I know you do. Again, I'm sorry about Splash. I'll be thinking of you as you struggle with this difficult decision.

How's your fish doing wolf.
Wilder said:
How's your fish doing wolf.
Actually he's improved.
the swelling is still there but he is swimming and eating now.
I'm just gonna bear with him and pray for a full recovery.
I hope he recover to.
well fish cant really tel you wats wrong with them and there isn't a vet for fish, even if u can be pretty sure about what it is you can never be absolutely sure. splash is a very nice fish and i hope he recovers. im sure the lump bothers him a bit but if he can get around and doesn't seem to be in pain i think u should hold off on putting him out. keep us posted on this, it is septicemia and he makes it throgh good as new, splash will be a very lucky fish, iv heard of very few fish makeing it throgh teh advanced stages of septicemia. i wish u and slash good luck :thumbs:

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