Hard Corals

Yeah a lot of people on there have them. Pretty easy to keep given decent water conditions.

I have kept them under power compacts in shallow tanks but ideally need a couple of good T5 tubes at least to really do well.
They do benifit from the occasional feeding (mysis or krill work well in my experience).
In terms of water flow they dont need loads but you need to make sure they get enough (Having them "gently swaying" is about right. Too much flow can cause damage to the flesh.
Make sure you keep them away from other corals (espeically other LPS and SPS) and they do pack quite a punch with their sweeper tenticals which will damage other corals.

One last note is placement of them. If you have a large one be careful to make sure that all the heads are getting light. In the last one I got I lost 2 heads because they where covered over by the others and didnt get enough light. I was close to losing another 2 but once I moved it so it was facing upwards they soon recovered and and now doing really well. When they get really big it can benifit from fragging it to make sure they all get enough space and light (it is very easy to frag).

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