Hard Corals


Fish Fanatic
Jun 28, 2008
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Hi there i was in my lfs today and seen a Euphyllia (spelling) and i know it is a hard coral but they have reserved it for me but the only problem is i dont add calcium yet and i bought a bottle today would it still be possible to add the Euphyllia coral tomorrow .
what kind of Euphyllia is it?

most Euphyllia's are fairly hardy starter hard corals, tbh ive never dosed calcium when ive kept them, water changes seemed to boost my levels up sufficently, so as long as your parameters are in order i cant see why you cant add it.
Before you add any form of additives you need to test your water to see what the levels already are. Assuming you have a decent brand of salt and you do regular water changes you most likely will not need to dose calcium. If you do dose calcium (or anything else for that matter) you need to do so very carefully and make sure you keep on testing your water to ensure the levels are correct.

The frogspawn will most likely be ok. What kind of lighting and water flow do you have?

The elegance I believe can be difficult to keep, I dont know enough about it to give you details as I have never looked into it myself. A couple of people on here have them though so will be able to advise.
If the chemistry is stable the elegance is a beautiful coral to keep. I have found mine to require the same as my hammer and frogspawn but with the added bonus that you can target feed to suppliment its diet. It is really interesting to watch it contort itself into all kinds of shapes as the tentacles take the food particles to the oral disc. I have my eye on a second but this is going for around £60; hopefully I can sweet talk the owner into a little discount :shifty:.

elegance corals i believe inhabit nutrient rich mudpools, so therefore they sometimes struggle in perfect water! and just to be picky elegences arent a Euphyllia but a Catalaphyllia.

frogspawn should be fine/

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