Haps dying!

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Sep 3, 2003
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Some of my Haps have got sunken bellies, i have treated them for internal bacteria and have also raised the tank tempreture. However i'm still loosing fish, to date i've lost two in about four weeks.
I took out the convict that was in with them in case it was an agggression issue as he can be a little bossy although in general is quite passive. other that that the only thing i have done is starve them for a few days while i was using anti-bacterial treatment.

Any ideas as to what else i can do or maybe it's something else that's causing the problem?
is ther no other symptoms such as going pale, skin ulcers and frayed fins, and a loss of appetite. any yellowish or dark nodules appearing on the body or eyes. Curvature of the spine, a loss of scales and colour.?

what are your water parameters ?
Yes could you please post test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, what size tank, what fish and how many, what filter is it.
Thanks for the replys guys.

The water tests have been fine throughout... todays results are PH is around 7.9 and Nitrite is 0 will test for ammonia and nitrate tomorrow as i ran out a couple of days ago. There are no other visable signs of problems and they are eating as per normal. The only other fish in the 5ft tank are two silver dollars which will be moved as soon as my other tank is ready, in total there are 11 haps which are all fairly small (2.5-3.5") apart from the two Nimbochromis venustus which are around 5". The tank is full of plants and rocks and all has been fine for well over a year.

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