Some of my Haps have got sunken bellies, i have treated them for internal bacteria and have also raised the tank tempreture. However i'm still loosing fish, to date i've lost two in about four weeks.
I took out the convict that was in with them in case it was an agggression issue as he can be a little bossy although in general is quite passive. other that that the only thing i have done is starve them for a few days while i was using anti-bacterial treatment.
Any ideas as to what else i can do or maybe it's something else that's causing the problem?
I took out the convict that was in with them in case it was an agggression issue as he can be a little bossy although in general is quite passive. other that that the only thing i have done is starve them for a few days while i was using anti-bacterial treatment.
Any ideas as to what else i can do or maybe it's something else that's causing the problem?