Happy Thanksgiving!


I know where you live
Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
Peoria, Illinois
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I for one am grateful for all of the wonderful things the Lord has blessed me with this past year! I know not everyone celebrates this (considering the forum is UK based) but I still wish everyone the very best!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I for one am grateful for all of the wonderful things the Lord has blessed me with this past year! I know not everyone celebrates this (considering the forum is UK based) but I still wish everyone the very best!

Me too, I'm also thankful for...


And this...


Me either hoping for an early 55 gallon this week.
Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes!! I'm trying to figure out if 9:00 is too early to have a piece of pumpkin pie ...
It's not too early for pumpkin pie lol...as it is definitely not too early for some Jameson :p Yes, I am a few sheets to the wind :unsure:
Definitely I figured out I hate wine, and that if you eat too much pumpkin and apple pie you get sick.
Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes!! I'm trying to figure out if 9:00 is too early to have a piece of pumpkin pie ...

No one in the history of the world has ever looked back and said "I probably shouldn't have had that pie". There is a never a bad time to eat pie. Ever.
Isn't Thanksgiving just an American excuse to eat shed-loads of food?

This is not a criticism, in any way.....
um i guess.... but we are also celebrating the feast that the pilgrims had when they reached america from the UK
yes and no. We are giving thanks for the founding fathers who came and settled here from the U.K. Just a fun fact, Ben Franklin wanted our national bird to be a turkey. lol. what a disaster that would've been. :X

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