happy danios?

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I agree with none. To be honest I have had up to four in a 5 gallon tank before and they all lived to a pretty ripe age, but it isn't a good idea. How about an African Dwarf frog or two? I've never have more than one, I don't know if one would get lonely? I don't think so. They are really neat, but be sure to do some research because they have kind of a special diet. You can feed them live worms wich is pretty cool to watch.
bit small....danios love swim swim swimming at a million miles an hour all day...ours are always whizzing around our 4ft tank top & winding in & out of our rocks on the bottom. they esp like it when we put our extra filter on & they get a good current to play in up the top......can you get a bigger tank??? theyre brilliant fish to have. :D
thanks for the quick advice!

ummm ..nah not planning on upgrading the 5g i have an extra 10g but that gonna be a puffer tank ..most of my fish in my 5g died cause of ich and probably high ammonia lvls but all of that is fixed now.. my oto and 3 ghost shimps made it through and im wondering what fish i should add ..thinking one more oto so the lil guy can have some company but i dunno about the rest ...any suggestions?
fish_newbie said:
thanks for the quick advice!

ummm ..nah not planning on upgrading the 5g i have an extra 10g but that gonna be a puffer tank ..most of my fish in my 5g died cause of ich and probably high ammonia lvls but all of that is fixed now.. my oto and 3 ghost shimps made it through and im wondering what fish i should add ..thinking one more oto so the lil guy can have some company but i dunno about the rest ...any suggestions?
One maybe even two more ottos will be ok!
ottos need two or three together for company. :D

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