Happy Birthday - Nobody Of The Goat

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Happy Birthday, have a super day.
Happy Birthday, hope you have a really great day xx :)
Hope you have a good one mate, and not delivering on a Sunday!
Happy birthday, hope you have a fantastic day (in the snow :hyper: )
happy birthday :good:
Thanks guys! :)

I was offered Sunday overtime delivering parcels, but I declined, as I've not done this before and starting on a manic Xmas pressure day would have resulted in me being taken to the local asylum by dinner time!
(Road conditions look awful outside flat as well, semi-molten snow has frozen overnight)

I'm off down Aquajardin shortly, on the hunt for a trio of Panda Garra youngsters, after the tragic aneurysm-looking loss of one of my "teenage" trio in the last 36 hours. Hopefully I will resist getting anything else, but I've really fancied some Synodontis nigriventris (Upside Down Catfish) for ages...

On a less fish-related note, going out for dinner with close family this afternoon, although the venue will be decided upon just how bad it is to walk/drive out there!

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