Hanging Fish Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jun 21, 2005
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Greetings to all...

I was just web-surfing and found a link to a hanging fish tank and I thought that I would share.

Haning Fish Tank

I just realy like this idea, though it is a bit expensive. What do you think?
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nice idea, but what happens if the nail decides to give way one day?
smashy smashy!

also, if you put it on an exterior wall, it'd get frozen in the winter!
nice idea, but what happens if the nail decides to give way one day?
smashy smashy!

And what if you followed their advice and put goldfish or other easy to maintain fish in it? Poisony, poisony, suffocaty, suffocaty, diey diey.... You get the picture.
My main concerns would be the lack of a cover, which I'm sure could be fixed quite easily. Also, getting a heater for it if you live in a place that you would need it. Otherwise, if you screwed it into a stud, it should be pretty snug and secure. It does seem a bit pricey, especially when you add in shipping.
You could get a stud finder, find a stud, a steardy nail, and then nail it.
Thanks for sharing the link :thumbs:

However, I do not think it is safe, nor do I think it holds enough water. The uncovered lid could cause a fish to jump out, or something to get into the tank. There is no real good way to heat or filter it. It holds very painfully little water. And I'd be worried about it falling off. That, and it kindof perpetuates the idea that animals are just decorations, with little consideration of what is best for them.

Though, despite all the negatives, it still beats most betta "habitats" out there. Alarming, eh?
That doesn't look like two gallons. I don't think it would fall because I had a shelf made that is about 4ft long and has my huge 220 watt stereo on it all I did was attach the support thinge into three studs and it holds.
I imagine it would be difficult to clean. I, however, have issue with the stupid sea-shell in a betta tank. Why would you have a shell that could leak calcium into the water in a betta tank? Unless you keep some African cichlids, or species that like really hard water, no putty shelly in the water. Big no, no, and if I'm not mistaken that looks like a left-handed welk to me, big shell. Lousy idea. Do they still sell the treated shells that they maintain are safe for freshwater aquariums? I never bought into that. Are they really safe? But I digress. In addition, you can buy quite a bit of tank for $30, why go for a 2g when you can have a 10g or more?
a single sea shell *might* buffer your water to somewhere between 6-7 pH. if your water is already of a higher pH than that, then the shell will have no effect. buffering agents merely set the lower threshold of pH; if your pH is already above that level, the buffer will have no effect beyond increasing the difficulty of lowering the pH.

really, you don't have to worry until you have multiple shells or if you would be upset to see your pretty shell waste away into nothingness. but it is true that a much better decoration would be a small chunk of driftwood.

going back to the secure fastening issue... i would never attempt to hang 16+ pounds from a single nail; point loading can have nasty, nasty repercussions. that thing would definitely need to be screwed into a stud, preferably with fasteners on both top and bottom to help distribute some loading.
Its intresting.
i think for that price, i'd go with a 2.5G at walmart.
That doesn't look like two gallons.
It does to me...
I think it's cute, and providing you nail/screw it to a stud like randalthor suggested, I don't really see any problem with it. It's about as safe as the two 5 gallons on my glass desk, anyway! :look:
I mean really, what's so bad about it? It's a good size, needs a lid but that's easily fixed, and if the temp in your house is fairly constant like it is in mine, there's no real need for a heater. I'd actually consider getting one myself if it weren't so expensive and inconvenient to clean.

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