Handy Shrimp Compatability Chart


RIP Dear nan 22/03/1925 --11/03/2009
Sep 22, 2008
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Devon - UK
I have found this link really useful as it shows which shrimp are compatable http://www.rareaquatics.co.uk/21.html

i myself am not bothered about crossbreeding but some people who are and want pure breds will be interested in this

i have seen lots of questions about this on this forum

If you dont wish to follow the link here's a copy of the chart from rare aquatics site and what he says about them

Shrimp Compatibility

You may like to keep several different types of shrimps together, with this there is a risk of some strains cross breeding creating a ugly hybrid which is not good, I have created an easy graph which at a glance shows which shrimps are safe to keep together.

Grey shaded blocks show the shrimps that should not be kept together


There is a chart on ukshrimp too, but it has more species on it.

clicky here

If you are planning to sell any shrimp you should avoid keeping shrimp that will hybridise together. If a hybrid shrimp accidentally gets into the wrong tank it can ruin somebodys breeding plans.

Edit: I knew i had seen it somewhere else before... its the old version of the one on planetinverts
I never even knew there were that many types of shrimp :blink:

There are more than you would think... There are currently 13 species of shrimp listed on the ukshrimp species database but I can think of at least another 10 species that aren't on there yet.
Its worth noting that Green shrimp (Caridina babaulti sp 'green') wont hybridise with any of the other shrimp on the chart I have some babaulti 'blue' with CRS they dont cross. Otherwise the chart is right.

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