Handling Plecs

No, that's really wrong :( Poor thing must get incredibly stressed, they're risking it's life.

Dont get me wrong, sometimes you have to handle a plec to move it from one place to another, or rescue it from some silly place it's got stuck in, but handling for fun or photo opportunities is wrong. And completely unecessary.

Makes me very sad when I see pics of people holding their plecs by their noses to take pics. If you get a decent camera, you dont need to even take them out of their tank.
I have to agree with LisaLQ, it seems totally unnecessary to take them out of the tank. You'd think the lfs would know better, but sadly not. :(
i hate taking fish out of water even when im out fishing in the UK i dont keep them out of the water for longer than 30 secs.
i sometimes have to move my pleco while he is still in the tank, i dont think he minds that :)
but taking it out of the water :angry: they should be told
if you can do it, it really is the safest way t move them. they stop thrasing and wont jump out your hand.

I moved our 4" ranger a few days ago, gently pinned it with my thumb he went rigid and I picked it up. put in his put to move tanks.

No risk of getting tangles up in nets, nice and easy transfer.
You can try it with my Royal if you like, but he bites. :lol:

No, I'm not a fan of handling fish unless absolutely necessary/life and death - and obviously in the case of this fish shop it's more (as it is commonly) about male macho "look at me". Sad really that they'd torture an animal to impress people, but that's some (note SOME) blokes for you. Show off pr*cks. :lol:
You can try it with my Royal if you like, but he bites. :lol:

No, I'm not a fan of handling fish unless absolutely necessary/life and death - and obviously in the case of this fish shop it's more (as it is commonly) about male macho "look at me". Sad really that they'd torture an animal to impress people, but that's some (note SOME) blokes for you. Show off pr*cks. :lol:

I know what you mean... (and I'm male) We had a guy in a local store 'try' and show off his ability to catch a plec with his hands... he failed miseribly. In the end, after the poor thing had lost all his colour and tumped across 2 tanks, I got it in about 10 secs in an nice large mesh net.

I wouldnt risk it again with our common.. he's had me once and i dontwant him to do it again :D

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