Handling Plecs


May 5, 2006
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dublin , R.O.I.
ok , so i have a 4" plec that im moving to a different tank. normally when handling fish i use a net , though i have seen that many plec owners seem to use their hands? which would you recommend? :huh:
I would recommend a net unless you want to get injured, or injure the fish *lol* :)

I know you see a lot of pics online of people holding their plecs by the head, but I think it's way too stressful for the fish and I wouldn't do it.
No probs - good luck moving him/her, I've got to move my whole tank over on Thursday night *lol*. After the frustration of trying to catch 8 black widows the other week, I bet I end up jumping in and catching the beggars with me bare hands after all :lol:
just moved him , took just a couple of mins - i gave him some comfort frozen bloodworm to cheer him up , hes happily " aquainting" himself with the new plants
Many times plecs & nets don't mix. They get stressed, the spines go out, & they get hung in the net. I've spent time untangling plecs from nets underwater, it's more stressfull than just grabbing them. Last experience was when I was in a hurry, netted a female albino bristlenose, & ended up with a 10 minute underwater wrestling match, with me getting spiked a few times.

The trick I usually use for smaller plecs is to get a clean glass jar, insert some zuccini with a weight, and sit back for a while. Within an hour they are in the jar munching away, just remove them jar & all.

With a larger plec, like the 15" common I got this weekend as a freebie, get a pair of leather palmed work gloves. Drain the tank down to a few inches of water, and grab them just behind the eyes, before the muscular tail.
Agree with Tolak. No net. A plastic pop bottle works very well :good:
The last encounter I had with a bristlenose plec and a net was nasty - and also ended up with an underwater wrestle and me having to cut the net off with fine scissors!
TBH I've never had a problem with nets. However, I'm keen to learn from others' experience too, so considering I'm moving my fish to a bigger tank on Thursday/Friday, how would you recommend transferring a gibby (7"), a tiny BN and a 3" Royal? I think it'll take hours to catch the Royal or the BN in a jar/similar (and then impossible to get the jar out with the fish not bolting) and I'm not keen on trying with my hands.
Don't feed them for a day or 2, then add the jar or vase with something they like to eat. If you put the food all the way in the back, they will sit in there with their tail towards the opening. Put one hand over the opening, lift out the jar with another.

I've used a colander as a net as well, when my wife isn't watching. :)
Too late for you Kathy, you will have done your move! but a good way (which I was told) to catch a large Pleco is to use a large plastic container. I had to move a 12" Common Pleco to a larger tank, he did not want to go! I really hope he doesn't outgrow his present tank! He will be moved if he does. :) The jar is a good idea for smallish Plecos.
I'm not doing the move 'til Friday :blink: :lol:

Tolak - that method's just not going to work with the tiddlers as they're too small and shy, before I even get my hand in the water they'll be under the bogwood again :( De Niro's a bit big for a jar, just going to net him and the other two I think. Thanks for the advice though :)
I read on another forum that you're moving the fish Friday (after I replied here). Good luck with it. Just be prepared to get a soaking, they do thrash about a bit! :) Best thing for a larger Pleco is a plastic container. I don't even want to think about a large Pleco being caught in a net by it's spikes! Once they're in the container they tend to go quiet and stop thrashing about. My Pleco sulked for a few days after!

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