Hamster Q


Fish Fanatic
Jun 17, 2004
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ok i know (duh) that hamsters are rodents and have to chew on like wood n stuff to keep their teeth to a reasonable size. Our hamster, Mokug, is almost 10 weeks old, we just got him last week, and for some reason he won't chew on his wood. Everything we looked up said that they prefer applewood, so that's what we gave him, and at first he loved it, but now he chews on the bars of his cage constantly and i want to make sure it won't hurt him.
All my hamsters ignored their chews and chewed the bars the whole of their lives. If its really bugging you, get him a glass tank to live in. Or you could try a mineral stone.
nah i was just curious, he's a dumb blonde hamster ne way lol. His runs his rolly ball directly into things, and when the lid came off he just kept rolling like it was still on. That and he falls off the door of his cage a lot.
Mine always chewed the bars. When they were in a tank, they tried to chew that too. They are not very smart. And, with the plastic ball, mine would run into things, and they liked to roll down the one step we had in the house. Then, they could not get back up.

They are more fun to watch than anything.
:D Oh yeah, Mokug is hilarious to watch. Yesterday he got out of his ball 7 times. LIke every five mins. he was runnin into things to open it up. He's very smart just when we're not watchin. lol

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