Halogen lights?


Fish Aficionado
Jun 23, 2004
Reaction score
Banchory, Aberdeenshire
Can these be used in conjunction with actinic bulbs to provide more light?

I was thinking about mounting two 150w floods above my 30g tank (which in turn will be above my two 30" actinic tubes and one blue tube). As far as I can tell the only thing to consider will be the temperature impact if they are too near the water. The actinic bulbs will be providing the correct 'type' of light, the halogens will be there to boost the light level only.

Any problems with doing this? My tank is well lit as is but i can't afford metal halides or other powerful lighting yet but want to light it a bit more for coral growth, etc.

Thanks in advance :)
The halogens have far too cool of a light to be of any benefit. Plus, your tank will look awful.

Cooler light has been blamed for algae troubles by some also.

What kind of corals do you have? There may be other ways. 30 gallons is not so large that you can't overcome a lighting problem with minimal investment.
I'm still setting up the tank so buying coral is way in the future but I have small polyps all over my LR and want to give them as much help as possible. The tank looks good at the moment, well light, etc. but not as good as it could :)
The polyps you mention don't look like these do they?


if so, then I would try and remove them. They are aptasia and while ok in small numbers, you will soon be over run with the things. peppermint shrimps, copperband butterflys and a product called joes juice are among the best methods of removal.

On the other hand, if they are like this:


Then they are ok. they are a type of putton-polyp - zooanthid.

ste :)

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