Half Aquatic, Half Terrestrial Tank Set Up Help And Advice


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Ok since I’m expecting baby newts I need to make a tank for them.

I’ve planed half water, half land (I know they won’t need the land yet but that way I can use the one tank for a long time). I don’t know dimensions as it’s an old tank; between 18 and 20” long anyway.

Half water, half soil. Would a plastic divider hold rather than a glass one (obviously sealed)?

Does anyone have a water level recommended?

In the water I plan on having a bare bottom until they grow up a bit.

I was going to try and get some bog wood which comes out of the water and cover it with java moss. I’ll put some live plants in (not sure which yet; I have plastic I can put in too), and I am getting some amazon frogbit as well so that will provide a bit of shade.

On the terrestrial side
Fill the base up with rocks and soil? Which type of soil is best recommended?

Put moss or something on the top; can anyone recommend a decent moss that will grow on land?

I was also thinking of putting in a sunken shallow water bowl so that they can still wet themselves, and putting in some sort of hide for them.

I guess also maybe a rock or something on top (depending on what the hide is) so they can rub on it for shedding.

I was also wondering about putting some taller plants on the terrestrial side too; but that is a “for future”.

Also how do I clean the terrestrial side?
When i was breeding newts i used to have a tank that was half water and to separate the water and soil i had a piece of plastic that was bent over towards the soil so there was easy access to the land when needed. So the shape was sort of straight then it rounded off and bent towards the soil so they could get onto land when they went terrestrial. The water side was bare bottomed and i fed daphnia and other live foods. I'll add a drawn picture when i get home from my mums fiancée's.

Alessa x.
Here's that drawn picture i promised.

Alessa x.
Hehe thanks. That was the same idea I had for the tank (ironically the water and land were the same way around too). I think for the first few days/weeks I'll leave them in water and then after that I'll design a tank like that :).
You know what they say, Great minds think alike! I'm glad i could help. :lol:

Alessa x.

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