Hair-like Living Things On My Breeding Tank!


Fish Crazy
Jan 23, 2006
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QC, Philippines
So last night my PKs spawned. A couple of minutes ago I noticed several 2-3mm, white, hair-like stuff scattered on every wall of the tank. They're moving! So what are they?
pretty sure those are worms. forgot what their names were but im sure they were a cuase from over feeding or something like that. if your fry arent free swimming ive heard they can eat the fry =S
Hmm.. I was thinking maybe the eggs hatched prematurely or something. Heh. I guess I'll just wait and see what happens. -_-
:look: that sounds kind of creepy! Make sure it isn't just fry... that's about their size, and they do look like little dots with tails at first. Do you have any plants in there that you haven't quarentined?

I hope you figure it out, and it doesn't hurt your babies!!!
Wonder why they sort of came just then? Perhaps they are babies. I am hopeless with identifying babies.

off topic sorry....last spring I got out what I thought were goldfish eggs out my pond. kept them in a tank they hatched..thought they look a bit like frogs cant be....a few days later I spotted a couple of toads in the pond..only small pond...anyway the toadlets (?) died as we had a severe frost...this year I will leave well alone!
they sound like planeria, tiny little worms, ive had them in my spawn tanks before, i havnt noticed them doing any harm to the fry but then i havnt noticed the fry eating them either. if you have planeria then i would expect that you also have other microscopic animals in their as well that come under the general title infusoria
No harm to the eggs so far. But then again, couldn't really see the eggs. Hehe. :shifty: Their dad looks fine, too. I'm just gonna wait and see what happens. Thanks a lot, you guys. :)
The adults often eat the larger planaria and they are totally harmless. Not the nicest looking things but harmless all the same. Best of luck with the fry.
Planaria, eh?

We did a lab on planaria at school... cut 'em in half and watched 'em regenerate. Very cute little things if you can se their eye spots under a microscope.

Ehm yes well anyways... most planaria are brown.. not white... so... I dont know.
Planaria, eh?

We did a lab on planaria at school... cut 'em in half and watched 'em regenerate. Very cute little things if you can se their eye spots under a microscope.

Ehm yes well anyways... most planaria are brown.. not white... so... I dont know.
Haha, they really are cute little guys, huh? We did that lab too in my Zoology class.

There are a bajillion species of planaria, some of which are most definitely white ;)
There are also terrestrial species, though they are somewhat rarer.

Ooga booga!

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