Hair and algae on leaves


Fish Addict
Apr 13, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, ON
Hey, I just fully planted my 55 gallon a week and a half ago, all the plants are growing really fast. I have 3 watts per gallon, CO2 injection, weekly liquid fertilization and fine gravel mixed with profile. Just recently I noticed my sagattaris grass has these hairs growing on the leaves, and they're turning green/brown. Some other plants are experiencing the same, just without the hairs. Anybody know how to get rid of it? Nitrites are still high so I don't suspect its the nitrates yet. Thanks in advance. :)
konrad05 said:
Hey, I just fully planted my 55 gallon a week and a half ago, all the plants are growing really fast. I have 3 watts per gallon, CO2 injection, weekly liquid fertilization and fine gravel mixed with profile. Just recently I noticed my sagattaris grass has these hairs growing on the leaves, and they're turning green/brown. Some other plants are experiencing the same, just without the hairs. Anybody know how to get rid of it? Nitrites are still high so I don't suspect its the nitrates yet. Thanks in advance. :)
cut back on the fertilizers for a while and see if it helps...

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