Hair Alge ..brown Alge?


New Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Well ive goten some form of alge in my testing and all the tests are normal.. the Ph is 8.2 and the other tests are at zero.. maybe its thier food?..i have a Chocolate Chip Starfish and a peppermint Shrimp..i dont know what kind of alge it is .. its hairy looking so i suppose its hair agle but its brown..i dunno.. any suggestions?
Any chance of uploading a photo of it? It sounds like either diatoms or cyanobacteria. Do a google search on both and see which one it most ressembles!

Algaes rely on mutrients to grow. Are you using RO water in the tank or tap water? As tapwater contains many nutrients that can cause algae blooms. Also how often and how much do you feed your CCS and shrimp?

To get rid of the algae you need to get rid of the nutrients in the water. So if not already using, then try to use RO water. Try feeding les, less often. And use some form of chemical phosphate removal media in your filter to help remove the phosphates that algaes rely on. ie. phosban or rowaphos.

Anothe option would be to set up a refugium and introduce some macroalgae in it. This will help compete against the nuisance algaes for nutrients!

Good Luck ;)

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