I agree with the others in respect to Amano shrimps.
I have experienced just about all forms of algae.
With hair algae, do get Amano, Oto and snails and cut the leaves off the
plants that are heavily infected. Other objects in the tank
such as thermometers, rocks, etc... should be scrubbed down.
If you can do a bleach treatment on the thermometer and other equipment
that sits in the tank, do so, if there are any signs of hair algae on them.
Do 2 water changes per week and watch your filter.
Your filter needs to be cleaned every two weeks.
If any plants that you have are just totally covered, take it out.
Avoid using chemicals. It can create other problems as well.
Some plants will die from it too. If you have activated carbon in your filter, remove it.
I have found activated carbon to trigger algae blooms too as they take out
nutrients that the plants need to fight algae.
It will take time to fend off an algae attack but with patience, time, and
proper maintenance you'll get through it.
Forgot to mention, control the feeding.
If you can feed once a day for a week, that should help.
And CO2.
Note: Amano, Oto, and some snails will not eat fully grown algae.
They usually eat them at the early stage of development. Any fully grown algae
will have to be removed manually. You can never be free of algae but you can
keep them under control thus the need for a cleaning crew.