Hair Algae


New Member
Jan 2, 2006
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Has anyone out there managed to overcome a hair algae problem and if so what gave the best results?
Do you have any cleaner crew? I know we got a peice of LR with some long green algae on it and within a day our mithrax crabs had eaten it away.
Hair algae? You bet :). Best things that have worked for me so far have been my emerald crab and my lettuce nudibranch. Especially the lettuce nudi :). My cerith snails will also eat it, but only if its pulled short for them.
my turbo snails dont seem interested in it...have got 10 blue legged hermits on the way so hopefully this will help.have you found any probs with lettuce nudibranch
cheers andy
Nah, no problems with it at all. Lettuce Nudibranch is its common nickname, technically its a species of sea slug and only eats various algaes (including hair). It won't nuke your tank if it dies, nor does it sting or harm anything else like some other true nudi's. The only negative with them is that they can enjoy powerheads ;)
Check your nitrates and PH. IME HA is associated with higher nitrates and lower PH levels.

I have overcome it in a few tanks a few different ways. It's not impossible although complete outbreaks make it feel that way.

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