Hair Algae


Fish Fanatic
Aug 2, 2004
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I'm starting get growth if hair algae what can I get to eat it becuase I don't want it to get out of control. I beleive emerald crabs will eat it but what can I do about it being on the back wall? thanks for the suggestions. dave
Tangs are supposed to. The real question tho' is...why developing hair algae? Any more info? SH
Algae blenny.. or also known as a lawnmower blenny.
As SH has said, the algae is growing for a couple of reasons.. usually high Nitrate or Phosphate. Vut these back and your hair algae will soon diminish. If you can encourage other forms of algae to grow such as macro algae then this will eventually outcompete the hair algae.
Foxfaces, bristletooth tangs and algae blenny are probably the best eaters of this stuff. I would recomend the foxface or bristletooth species of tang as these will vary their diet once the algea is gone. Most algae blennys starve to death once they have done their job :(
ah my nitrates were up alittle so that would explain why the algae was growing. it should soon be gone when the levels go back down then. thanks for all the help.
My Algae Blenny loves me atm, i've had to use de-chlor'd tap water for my last few water changes (couple of LFS have shut down and I haven't got my own RO unit yet) so my hair algae has reared its ugly head again.

Still, keeps him happy I supose :D

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