Hair Algae On Plants Nearest Filter Outlet....


Fish Herder
Nov 16, 2006
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Just wondered if this is something that will settle off once EI settles in? This stuff was around before EI and stable CO2, and I take it off as and when, but I'm curious if this is something that may well continue to occur purely because the filter outlet (which is fixed in a Juwel tank) pushes water out directly under the lighting? It hasn't noticeably spread onto any other plants which are not close to the filter outlet which is good.
i seem to have some next to my filter outlet (on the plants) mainly at the surface.

my tanks just recovering from a lot of algea and around the outlet is really where the only stuff is left!

so i imagine its to do with current fromfilter high light (3wpg in my case) etc


ps not really helpfull but your not the only one with it around the same area
No I had it on all the leaves directly under the brightest light in front of the spraybar.

It is too low or inconsistent CO2 that was causing it and I binned all the affected leaves and then sorted out the pressurised I had just bought and never seen it since (although unfortunately the new pressurised did kill the fish several days later!!)

Thinking back, it did take hold when I only had one DIY cannister with inconsistent CO2 levels, hopefully as I remove it and the affected bits of plants it will decrease.
I have the same problem, from before I added CO2. Will be rescaping the tank this weekend and so will remove the affected leaves.

Let me know how you get on

mine seems to have almost died of now. however i did add 3 large moss balls the day before yesturday! just wondering wheather the moss balls might be out competting the hair algea

however my tank is pretty much packed with polysperma now

so for going of topic abit

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