Hagen co2 unit


Fish Crazy
Oct 16, 2004
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Could anybody tell me if this is normal?

I have recently bought a hagen unit and it has been in my 66L for 4 days now although i'm not sure if the unit is placed right. There are bubbles being formed and they start their way up the unit but get stuck half way until the time comes where an almighty build up pushes a larger bubble out.
Does this seem right? i have the output nozzle locked into the lowest position as i believe that is what the instructions were telling me to do :S

Any advice please and if you could offer any tips on what mix to try next time round instead of the hagen stuff i'd appriciate it.

Thanks in advance
How long has it been like this

Usually at first u get this, the co2 seems to build a slime trial and then travels up nicely.

Alternatively if there is any dirt or sand etc then this could cuase the bubbles to stop moving alot smoothly or one time i didnt have the ladder quite straight and then bubbles stopped

Personally id leave it another day or so, if nothing happens then clean the ladder and then reapply the hose
The same thing happened to me and then I realised it wasn't absolutely vertical. Do try what Maestro suggests.
Thanks for the advice and i shall see how it goes over the next week or so. In relation to the output nozzle which is the correct postition for it in a 66l tank? at the moment i have it locked into the lowest slot
its hard to explain exactly, its need to be clicked into the lowest spot facing along the first run of the ladder, better to see the diagram in the instrutions.
Thanks for that :D

The place that you have described is exactly where i have postitioned it, in the instructions i believe that is quoted as being point 1.

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