Hagen Co2 Kit


Jun 5, 2006
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Hi All,

I insrtalled the Hagen CO2 kit in my tank on the on the 5th of this month. Within a couple of hours it was giving me bubbles, which I was pleased after reading some of the posts about people not getting any bubbles. After a day or two the bubbles the were streaming through at one point I had approx 14 bubbles a minute. All the fish and plants were fine with no problems at all. However over the weekend I noticed that the bubble count was dropping off. Now there are virtually no bubbles coming out. I know the packet says that the mix should last approx 28 days. Do you think it is time that I replaced the mix and start again? What do other people do?

Thanks, Rich
when i was using diy co2 i noticed that the first few days i had bubbles steaming through to but it would then die off so i started using 2 bottles, changing them every 10 days, (so one bottle on the 1st and one on the 5th.

that way it kept the co2 running smoothly

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