Had To Get Rid Of Cutie Cory's!


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
Im not happy that I had to get rid of my three cory catfish! I have 5 clown loaches and one day I noticed an emerald green cory that was injured and not doing well! Its fins were damaged, as well as another cory. Im pretty sure one of the clown loaches, or rogue loache was picking on the cories. So I ended up losing one cory, and got rid of the other two.

I wanted to give it anothjer shot so I purchased three more emerald cories, around 2" at the most, but the next day I also noticed a little fin damage and I quickly had to remove them! So now I dont think I can get cories. Instead, I got a featerfin catfish which does seem to hold its own against the clown loaches. Im just upset that I cant get cories, unless I identify the aggressive clown loache or loaches.
Hi tameem :)

That's too bad. :(

You probably did the right thing. Clown loachs get big and even while they are small they play rough.
Tameem, I think I would have made the other choice. I really like my cories so the clowns would have had to go. To each his own I guess.
well, since Im still partial to cories, today I bought a single emerald cory. He is a large one, fully grown about 4"! Im hoping that with his size he will not be mistreated so I am watching him closely. I would have got at least three, but he was the only really large one.
Hi tameem,

Sorry to hear that you had to get rid of your corys, as oldman47 said I would of kept the corys.

Another option maybe to buy a tank divide and keep them seperated?
ya know, I tried the divider solution but it was a real pain! first, I wasnt happy with reducing overall swimming space for the fish, and during water changes it was a little of a pain. Also, the separator I bought at Petsmart was crap and it did not work very well.

Today Im going to examine my cory to see if there are any signs of fin damage, If so, I'll have to return him. Although I am partial to cories, the clowns tend to be more interesting to watch and certainly more color to the tank. But Im not sure yet what I'll do..
Hi tameem :)

Humm....... I know, you could just buy another tank! Then you could buy more corys! :shifty:

You certainly wouldn't be the first one to do this. :lol:
Inchworm, are you trying to get him into the trouble that I have with MTS? I'm guessing you "suffer" from the same condition.
Inchworm, are you trying to get him into the trouble that I have with MTS? I'm guessing you "suffer" from the same condition.

Absolutely, OldMan57! :nod: These days I have 30 tanks going for a total of 649 gallons of water. It was when I realized that there were so many different corys that the MTS got out of hand. :S
ya know, I would like to maybe get a second tank but we really dont have the room right now. we are also selling the house, its just not an option at this time. Im keeping an eye on the large cory catfiish, but the poor thing is by himself since he was the only big one they had at the LFS, he seems okay, the loaches arent bugging him, based on the fins. And the guy said he should be fine..

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