Had to Euthanize my first fish


Fish Herder
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
The desert
Well I found I had one Neon Tetra with Neon Tetra Disease, so caught and killed it yesterday. :rip:

I have another neon that has almost no red colour, but has been like this since I got it, ironically I thought a few weeks ago that he may have NTD, but has shown no other symptoms, so decided to leave him be and hope that he's OK.

Sorry to hear that Arfie :-( I had to kill my first fish last week. Just out of interest, what method did you use?
Cheese Specialist said:
Aw, that's a shame. :sad: Can't NTD be treated? I am sure I have got medicine that says it treats it.

Anyway, hope the rest are ok.
Apparently not, NTD gets confused with False NTD which can sometimes be treated, my dead un definately had NTD, big cyst on side, body bent, white patches on red bits, solitary.

NTD cannot be treated according to all the disease sites I read, many were provided by people on here.

Pity really, cos these fella's survived a cycle.

I had to euthanize my neon tetras too. I didn't even know what neon tetra disease was until all of the neons had it! I felt kinda bad about prematurely ending their lives but I figured that a quick death was better then a slow death.
Its better to euthanase than to let your whole tank. NTD doesnt just affect neons, and can even affect humans!

I have heard that it can infect humans with fairly weak immune systems, Im not sure what the symptoms or anything would be though.

Are you sure? I was under the impression that TB was the only thing that we can get from our little buddies

Thanks for the kind words everyone, it's not a nice thing to have to do, but I've had to have dogs and cats put to sleep before.

Oh and Barday, method was caught it, put it on a paper towel, folded it over and stamped on it very quickly :-( , it may have been scared, but it didn't have long enough to feel pain.

Oooohhhhh, simple, effective and v.humane, I hope i never have to use it but thanks for the method, good to know. Makes me feel bad about using the ice cube method on my dying silver dollar :-(

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