Had A Nifty Plan


Fish Addict
May 20, 2006
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Leicestershire, England
right weve got a couple of fiberglass baths lieing around approx volume of 50gallons,

whats stopping me from cutting a section from the side and installing a perspex window sealing it all in with fish safe silicone and bracing it then installing the apropritae sized heating and filteration to house tropical fish

the down side is its not the most asthetically pleasing fish tank

the plus is it will be a very cheap 50gallon tank

i know fish are happy in baths as my granpas kept goldfish outdoors in a sunken bath for well over 10 years, and several years ago we kept a large group of coldwater fish in the garage over winter in a fiberglass bath, at preasant i dong have enough room in the garage but i have a nice stand for when i do.

stocking wise how many corydoras could live in a bath :drool:
Probably more use as a breeding container than an actual tank, stick a load of moss and cabomba in there, a shed load of guppies and bobs your uncle.
Probably more use as a breeding container than an actual tank, stick a load of moss and cabomba in there, a shed load of guppies and bobs your uncle.

i like that idea, just thought of a huge plus, water changes will be so simple syphon the water straight out the door with a hose :)

just thought of a major drawback saw dust and the like, will need to think of how to build a hood
Just a big sheet of plastic should do the trick, evaporation is the main problem (damage done by condensation) so you'd want something solid to stop that. On another plus, the length vs. width and height is very good.
yeah we used to keep coldwater fish like this indoors got plenty of coldwater fish outside so id rather go with some tropicals
I'd go with something semi big, like a few discus? I think the 50 gallon would do them good through life, someone correct me if I'm wrong
discus are very shy and get easyliy stressed when they are not looking down on anything living. if you cut a section out of the tub and put see through fiberglass n silicon it, then make a stand that would support it that could work for Discus. personally im not sure if it will work. if you are going to go through with it have javamoss covering all surfaces exept the bottom and large plants around the edges of tubs.


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