H2O change?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 4, 2004
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Hi all

ok i have a new 2-1/2 gallon tank that i set up for my mollies babies and
i'v been doing my water changes for about 4 weeks. And my molly just had 47 fry and i was woundering if i could put them all in the tank without an ammonia/nitrites spike occuring before the bacterial colony can adjust
if you could help i would be vary thanxful :book:
will it take a shorter time to cycle since its only a 2-1/2gl tank cause i have them in a net breeder in my 10gl tank right now. and i took some gravel form my community tank im put them in a stockin in the the smaller tank to help start the cycle.thanx 4 the first reply. :book:
with less water the cycle should happen a little quicker but thats not a definite as funny things happen during the cycle which can cause the cycle to stall. If you do as you suggest that would help but if you could take the filter off the new tank and run it on the big tank then it would develop the bacteria it needs from the established tank. Then in a week or so just move the new filter back to its tank along with some of the gravel and you should be good to go. HTH :)

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