my favourite kind of Guppy- half black 'Fans' or 'Halfmoons'- are at my LPS. they're the only one i'd ever trade up anything for, because they are downright gorgeous things. black is my favourite color, you could say ^^
gorgeous fishies! blacks bodies and tails, grayish heads with a little bit of the neon swirly striping going on. i must have them. so, my four Platties will be brought into the store and exchanged for four Half-Black Guppies. i'll buy the rest to make it an even ten.
just a question; should i get all-male, all-female, half-and-half, or just trade my current fish for a male and his females? i'd like just males, they are absolutely gorgeous things that i must have ^^
gorgeous fishies! blacks bodies and tails, grayish heads with a little bit of the neon swirly striping going on. i must have them. so, my four Platties will be brought into the store and exchanged for four Half-Black Guppies. i'll buy the rest to make it an even ten.
just a question; should i get all-male, all-female, half-and-half, or just trade my current fish for a male and his females? i'd like just males, they are absolutely gorgeous things that i must have ^^