

New Member
Nov 3, 2003
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hello all im very new to livebearers
we had fish prior to NY blackout for years but that killed them off so we cleaned the tank and let it run for a bit then went and got some guppys 3 female 2 male also got a small pleco and a crab (who kept escaping)
my problem is i was told by the shop id have to do all these things to get them to breed so i did none of those things i only have a 10 gallon tank how many fish can i keep in it? i now have an extra 24 babies doing really well and one is still giving birth (was cool to watch her sept one came out of her and went into the males mouth so short life there) do i have to get rid of my males? i tried adjusting the water temp to stop them but no luck
thanks for reading
um, guppies are rarely NOT pregnant or giving birth. they are very prolific breeders. you really don't have to do anything. you could get rid of the males. but the males are usually the prettier ones. any babies that don't get eaten, let them grow. when theyre about an inch, many lfs will take them off your hands, some may even give you store credit for them. call around and see if any lfs in your area will take them.
Hi debbie :)

Another New Yorker.....great! There are a number of us here. Where are you....upstate, on Long Island or in the city?

I'm sorry to learn that you lost your fish in the blackout. Mine came through it ok, but it was a lot of work. :hyper:

I saw on another thread that you are wanting to get another tank. The best deal I've found on tanks is at Petland Discounts. They have a 10 gallon starter combo that has tank, hood and lights, filter & pump, even gravel for $28. You would only have to get a heater. I look for bargains and shop at yard sales, etc. If you have a lfs (local fish store) that you shop at regularly, ask them if they know anyone who wants to sell or give one away. Sometimes you can get lucky with used tanks.

It's really hard to get too many guppies in a 10 gallon tank, though. They are small and it can hold a lot of them if you do water changes enough to keep your chemistry right. (If you don't know about that, you can learn about it here, too.) :nod:
I had the same problem a month ago. My guppies (started out with 5) multiplied like mad and pretty soon I had about 50 in the tank. I was so sick of it, I decided to take all of them out so I brought them to this petland discount store and got some new fish. But now I'm thinking of getting a couple of guppies again, lol, i must be crazy

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